Willy Gertsen氏 追悼ページ
追悼に寄せて/Our Memorial Message
English follows Japanese;
2020年 4月27日 Tine Devantier Winther Lundgren氏より、 Willy Gertsen 氏がスイスのご自宅でCovid-19 によりお亡くなりなったとの連絡を受けました。
ご葬儀はごく近親者による家族葬で終えられたそうです。 ご自宅でお亡くなりになったということですので、奥さまに看取られての最期であったのかなと思います。
Gertsen 氏とは2000年を少し過ぎた頃、弊社でのLASAL-SCANTAL製品を扱いを開始したした時からのおつきあいが始まりました。
デンマークはもちろん、北欧諸国の福祉用具業界に精通しておられ、こちらからの何気ない質問に対して、驚くほどの長文でお返事をいただいたことを思い出します。 質問に関連する企業の歴史や歩みなど、物語のように教えていただきました。
Gertsen 氏は毎年欠かさずHCRにお越しになりました。
せっかく日本に来たのだからと、どこかお連れできないかと思い、「京都はどうだ、奈良はどうか」とお尋ねしましたが、 残念ながら、彼の方が日本観光の達人でした。 HCRにお越しの際は、毎年、芝パークホテルにお泊まりでした。ホテルの方々との関係をとても大切になさっていました。
Gertsen 氏と二人でドイツからデンマークまで車で旅をしたことは今でも思い出します。
フランクフルトであったと思いますが、スイスから旧式のキャデラックを運転してお見えになりました。 彼に言わせると、スイスではアメリカ車は安いんだそうです。デンマークに向かう途中、大きな橋を渡った記憶があります。向こうに見える空が赤く色づき、大陸を感じ、とても美しく感銘を受けたことを思い出します。
道中、化学の専門家のGertsen 氏が福祉業界に入られた物語や、当時の北欧やドイツなどの業界の様子についていろいろなことを教えてくださいました。当時は、北米の資本がドイツや北欧の福祉機器市場に進出を始めた時期で、その後の業界の変化についての見通しなどお話ししたように記憶しています。
ここ何年かはTine Devantier Winther Lundgren氏に事業を託し、一線から身を引かれ、日本を訪れることもなくなりました。
今回、Gertsen 氏とゆかりのある方からご寄稿をいただき、氏の冥福をお祈りするとともに、その死をともに悼み、彼との思い出を記録にとどめたいと思い、本追悼ページを開設いたしました。
取締役 事業開発本部長
On April 27, 2020, we received the notification from Ms. Tine Devantier Winther Lundgren that Mr. Willy Gertsen passed away at his home in Switzerland due to Covid-19.
He was at the age of 86 years old.
We were informed that the funeral has been hold by the close relatives in a family funeral style. Since he passed away at home, I think his last moment was taken care of by his wife.
I started working with Mr. Gersten when we started to distribute LASAL-SCANTAL products from the beginning of the year 2000. He was familiar with the welfare equipment industry in Denmark as well as in the Nordic countries. I remember that he answered a casual question from me in a surprisingly long sentence. The way he told me about the history and the course of the company related to the question was like telling a tale.
Mr. Gertsen visits HCR every year. He was always with his wife. His slightly ironic face and her charming smile are remaining in my mind. Since it was a very good chance that he came to Japan, I was going to take him to somewhere and asked him, "How about Kyoto, how about Nara?", unfortunately, he was a master of Japanese tourism. When he visited HCR, he stayed at Shiba Park Hotel every year. He very treasured the relationship with the people at the hotel.
I still remember my traveling by car with Mr. Gertsen from Germany to Denmark. Maybe it was Frankfurt he picked me up by his old bid Cadillac. He told me, American cars were reasonable at price in Switzerland. I also remember on our way to Denmark we crossed a big bridge, the sky over the bridge turned red, it looked like the continent and I was impressed very much by its beauty.
While traveling, Mr. Gertsen, who was also a chemistry expert told me a lot about the story of how he entered the welfare industry and what this industry was like in Northern Europe and Germany at that time. That period was the time when North American capital began to flow into the assistive equipment market in Germany and Northern Europe. I still remember he also told me about the outlook of the future for the industry.
It's also a great memory that we went to a local restaurant at night in the city of Arhus in Denmark.
He backed out of the front line of business and no longer visited Japan since he had entrusted his business to Ms. Tine Devantier Winther Lundgren for the past few years.
Last time when he visited to HCR, I couldn’t really thank him for what he did for us so far. At that time, I did not expect it was his last visit HCR as well as Japan. I was about to express my appreciation so far to him and talk with him about many things that has happened since then when I visit Europe next time and meet him somewhere. However, what I heard was his death. I am really regret about his passing away. I wish I could have learned more from him.
Now, we decided to open this memorial page at our website. We would like to receive contributions from the people connected with Mr. Gertsen, to pray for the repose of his soul and to mourn his demise, and to keep a record of our memories with him.
Kazuyuki Hasada
Director, Business Development Division
Pacific Supply Co., Ltd.
補助器具相談室 元室長 山下和子氏
Kazuko Yamashita
Ex Head of Technical Aids Counseling Room,
Pacific Supply Co., Ltd.
At first, Nordic Slide was introduced to us by President Hamawaki – Handy Aid Corp. not only as a product introduction but also as an auxiliary device originated from the excellent rehabilitation technology in Northern Europe.
I was very impressed by the that technology. By taking that chance, I met President Hamawaki and Nordic Slide. We are proud to be able to promote Nordic Slide in Japan, and we respected President Gertsen who supplied us such a wonderful technical aid.
I am happy that I was able to be involved in the technical aid which has been recorded in the history of Japanese assistive devices. Thanks to Nordic Slide and President Hamawaki so that I could get to know President Gertsen.
It was also a great memory that with the enthusiasm of Mr. Miyata of Amano who succeeded President Hamawaki and the understanding of Mr. Gertsen, we were able to develop a 4-point high-back sling that gives a safe suspension posture. I am very grateful to Mr. Miyata and President Gertsen for their support.
Thank you very much for the long-standing friendship that began at the meeting of Nordic Slide. We pray from the bottom of our heart that his soul may rest in the peace.
Tine Devantier Winther Lundgren氏
私とGertsen氏の出会いは2003年にさかのぼります。彼に初めて会ったのはコペンハーゲン市の見本市でした。 彼は当時新製品のMobilia Transporter MT3の機能をテストしようと、床面をはっていました。この好奇心と製品への深い関心はまさに彼のトレードマークでした。また製品開発に類を見ないほど探求心が深いことをその後何年もかけて発見することになろうとはその時は思ってもみませんでした。
私たちは温かく、互いに信頼ができる厚い友情を築きました。Gertsen氏は、製造の管理方法、特に補助器具における技術の開発について、常に私のメンターでした。私たちは一緒に何年にも渡って会社を経営し、Gertsen氏は取締役、私はCEOとして共に仕事に打ち込んでまいりました。Gertsen氏ご夫婦が引退することを決心したとき、私がLASAL / Scantal社を継ぐことはごく自然な流れであり、とても光栄だと思いました。
ソーシャルメディアではなく、昔ながらの方法で、手紙でのコミュニケーションや、数え切れないほど世界各国へ直接訪問することを通じて、人々と交流を深めてきました。 紳士であり、またチャーミングな人柄で出会った人を魅了し、友達となりました。
私は彼から多くのことを学びました。永遠に感謝します。 Gertsen氏と一緒に仕事ができたことは素晴らしい旅であり、私にとって大きな喜びでした。
Tine Devantier Winther Lundgren
My mentor, business companion and friend have passed away.My connection to Hr. Willy Gertsen started back in 2003. The first time I met him was at fair in Copenhagen. He was crawling around on the floor inspecting the latest new electronics on one of our devices, more exact a Mobilia Transporter MT3. I should discover over the years that this curiosity and interest was a trademark of him, and that development was among the things that had a special interest.
We developed a warm and confidential friendship and Mr. Gertsen became my mentor in the industry, in how to run a production and not least development of assistive technology. Together we run the company for a number of years, Mr. Gertsen at the board level and I on a daily basis as CEO. When Mr. Gertsen and his wife agreed that it was now time to retire, so it was natural for me to continue LASAL / Scantal, for which I am very honored.
I will always remember Mr. Gertsen for his intelligence, charm and for being a positive person. He was also a skilled businessman and had an amazing memory. His ability to create a huge network within the industry. He knew everyone and nurtured his contacts, not through social media, but in old-fashioned ways, through written correspondence and countless journeys around the world. He was a gentleman and engaged in the people he met and with his charming person many friendships were formed.
I have learned a lot from this man, for which I will be eternally grateful. It has been a great journey and a great pleasure to work with Hr. Willy Gertsen.
The honor be his memory.
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